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Software Engineer Process


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  • Job Feld
  • Anstellung
  • Vertragsart
    Unbefristetes Dienstverhältnis
  • Ort
  • Arbeitsmodell
    Hybrid, Onsite
  • Job Technologien

    Deine Rolle im Team

    You will be part of the Process Mining Technology department. The team develops and tests new and innovative process discovery and (data-driven) process modeling algorithms and approaches. As a Software Engineer for Process Modeling, you will actively identify customer needs, search for trends in the area of process discovery and process modeling, and relate them to the product. You will reduce requirements and ideas to code, evaluate the efficacy of this code, and implement it in our products. You will interact closely with other software engineers and product managers within the product and engineering organization to successfully deploy your code in production.

    1. Familiarize and understand relevant approaches in the field of process discovery and data-driven modeling
    2. Develop and implement new, innovative solutions in the area of process discovery and process modeling
    3. Collaborate with various teams and coworkers to drive innovation in the field of process discovery and process modeling
    4. Bring successful prototypes into the product

    Unsere Erwartungen an dich


    • A university degree in the area of computer science, process mining or a comparable education


    • Ability to drive innovation in the area of process discovery and modeling
    • An analytical mind with a great understanding of complex algorithms and data management
    • Strong communication skills and interest in presenting and testing your ideas
    • Good knowledge of spoken and written English


    • Proven experience in software development with Python, Java, or C++
    • Genuine interest and (first) experience in process mining
    • Experience with process modeling or BPMN as a plus



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    Job Standorte

    Map of company locations
    • Standort Aachen

      Standort Aachen



    Das ist dein Arbeitgeber



    Celonis hilft Unternehmen, ihre Prozesse zu verbessern und so ihre Arbeitsweise zu transformieren. Dabei setzt das Unternehmens auf eine Process Mining basierende Intelligent Business Solution. Mithilfe dieser ist es möglich, den Ablauf der Prozesse zu visualisieren und Schwachstellen aufzudecken. Hauptsitz der Enterprise Software Company ist München, weitere Niederlassungen gibt es in New York sowie in weiteren Metropolen weltweit.


  • Sprachen
  • Unternehmenstyp
    Etablierte Firma
  • Arbeitsmodell
    Hybrid, Onsite
  • Branche
    Internet, IT, Telekom
  • Logo Celonis

    Software Engineer Process

    Hybrid, Onsite

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